Permanent Solution to Lower back pain exists

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As a sufferer of lower-back pain, would you want a short-term fix or a permanent solution?

Definitely a permanent solution. You are looking for a life that is not limiting, and that you can be back to all those exercises, and movements, and sports, that you were into before you developed lower-back pain.

The cause of back pain can be because of many different reasons. It might be a slipped disc or it might be just muscle stiffness or shortening, or it might be a pinched nerve. I understand what a back-pain patient feels when he is dependent on painkillers for these irregular movements. I absolutely understand when a back-pain patient visits a doctor and the doctor gives some unpleasant advice, be it bed rest or be it restrictions on forward-fold positions. I know how it feels because I have gone through it personally. I used to take 12 to 16 medicines a day when I suffered from lower-back pain during my school and college days. Despite regular physical activities which   included athletics training, weight training, yoga, etc., I stilldeveloped persistent lower-back pain. I was in a sports college and I was on a minimum of 12 pills a day to stay functional, to attend my practical classes and to attend lectures. I remember going to a naturopath multiple times a week to find a solution for my back-pain problems. Naturopathy, yoga, 12 pills including pain-blockers, and vitamins, regular exercise, physiotherapy … and … nothing worked. But then came a magical solution. It relieved my back pain and till this date I have been living pain-free for more than two decades.

I have interviewed and taken repeated feedback from patients who went through treatment 10 to 15 years ago at the Medical Yoga Centre, and they are still continuing to do all activities, including Suryanamaskar (which includes deep forward and backward bends), and are living a 100% pain-free life.

Permanent solution to Lower back pain is possible...

This technique, which later developed and was shaped into Medical Yoga Therapy, is not just a ZERO painkiller, ZERO oil/ointments/spray, ZERO food correction, ZERO herbs, therapy, but a long-term or permanent solution for your back pain. It is a combination of Sun Jeevan Yoga Therapy and Sports Biomechanics-based therapy techniques, which have come from the Medical Yoga Centre, Delhi. We have a copyrighted DS 3-phase method for permanent back pain recovery. This includes different phases which can take a lower back pain patient from being bedridden to climbing up to the Everest Base Camp! Over 18,000 patients have benefitted in person from the Centre and over 600,000 people have benefitted through camps, online sessions, seminars, shows, and health-talks conducted across continents in the USA, Australia, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc., in the past two decades. People have two choices – either to live with painkillers and their side effects, or, to heal permanently, without weight fluctuations, using a method that is two times faster and –75% in cost-factor.