In yogic lore, Shiva may have been seen as the first Yogi, the first Adiyogi, but, thereafter, over the centuries, in modern history of Yoga, many many gurus of yoga have walked their own paths, creating their respective gurukuls of Yoga.
In recent times we have seen grand yogis like Sri Aurobindo of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Sri Vivekananda of Ramakrishna Mission, Swami Satyananda Saraswati of the Bihar School of Yoga. Every school has a signature style of its own.
Shri B. K. S. Iyengar’s style is known as Iyengar Yoga; Dr. S. V. Karandikar alias Yoganand of Kabir Bagh style is known as Sunjeevan Yoga; Pattabhi Jois is known for Mysore style of yoga, popularly known as Ashtanga Vinyasa; Yogi Bhajan for Kundalini Yoga; Paulie Zink for Yin Yoga; and other stalwart yogis have brought forward their own style of yoga into their own gurukuls.
The term Medical Yoga comes from Dr Deepak Sachdeva, the founder of Medical Yoga Centre. The foundation of Medical Yoga is yoga therapy itself. 'Yoga therapy' is the generic term, and it can be used by anyone who has studied yoga therapy. Medical Yoga is what first differentiates, and then defines, itself as a trademark, showcasing itself as yoga therapy that is body biomechanics-based, customised for individuals looking to find solutions for their specific medical ailments. Medical Yoga and Modern Medical Sciences share a common scientific approach and combining these has resulted in a specialised therapy clinic -- Medical Yoga Centre. Since Medical Yoga is the trademark of Dr Sachdeva’s MYC style of 'yoga therapy', it should not be used as a replacement for other yoga therapies, and not even be replaced with other 'rope-belt' styles of yoga therapies that have different names (e.g., Iyengar yoga therapy, Sunjeevan yoga therapy of Kabir Bagh, as have already been mentioned). Dr Sachdeva’s Medical Yoga Therapy of MYC has its own copyright.
Medical Yoga Therapy is personalised therapies that work on both musculoskeletal ailments as well as systemic ailments. Musculoskeletal ailments include issues related to the neck, lower back, knees and feet, medically called spondylosis, spondylosis, radiculopathy, frozen shoulder, muscle impingement in the shoulder joints, round shoulder deformity, slip disc, sciatica, knee arthritis, etc. Systemic problems include diabetes, asthma, hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations, varicose veins, digestive disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and ailments related to the nervous system and to neuro-cure, e.g., stress, anxiety, migraine, etc. Medical Yoga Therapy most definitely is a combination of asanas and exercises, owing to the background of sports studies and Yoga research that Dr Deepak Sachdeva comes from. Depending on what is imperative for the treatment of the patient, either asanas or physical exercises are prioritised. It could be that a sequence, leading to holding an asana, has been created for the specific treatment of a patient; or it could be that repetitive exercises are needed in the treatment, like exercises named Ans Chaalan (scapular movements).
In 18 months, 4 batches of Ultimate Yoga therapy have produced 120 alumni out of whom 60 have completed their on-floor training. This community is helping each other grow, and find solutions for different medical cases.
About CPD:
Why Continuing Professional Development (CPD)? As long as a tree stays attached to its roots, it is fed and nourished. Staying connected to one’s institute, one’s Seat of
Knowledge always leads to Growth. Dr Sachdeva still volunteers for Kabir Bagh Math Sanstha. He is still updated as to the activities taking place there. So, from our community we get strength and power, and peace as well. It feels good. Everyone needs CPD so that we stay connected to our institute.
The more we meet, the more we build on memories, the stronger is the connection. In the bonds that you have already created with fellow student-therapists, you know that you have made lifelong friends, and have an institution to turn to. Through CPD you will be nurturing those bonds. CPD is imperative for clarifying your doubts on your way forward.
May our good work keep growing healthy roots, and continue to help the community at large.
Written by: Dr Deepak Sachdeva